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Remove A Court Judgment /  Default Judgment

Also referred to as an "default judgment", or court judgment  when listed on your credit file. 

A Court Judgment remains on your credit file for 5 Years. This is the financial sentence you serve with bad credit when you have a court judgment listing..

Paying a court judgment once its listed on a credit file DOES NOT remove the bad credit from your credit file. It just updates the Court Judgment listing as a paid court judgment.


The court judgment still remains and you still have to see out the remainder of the financial sentence  of 5 years, from the date the court judgment  was originally listed on the credit file. 

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This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

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